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Title:  Clarification	
Author: Dana Doggett
Date: January 24, 2003
Rating: PG
Category: DSR
Spoilers: Never Again
Archive: Anywhere, just let me know .
Disclaimer: John Doggett, Dana Scully, Monica Reyes
and Fox Mulder are not my characters, if they were,
"The X-Files" would have ended in a completely
different way. I do not profit from writing
fanfiction; I do this for pure enjoyment.
Feedback: I love it! Send to:
Beta: Not used. Typos and especially grammar errors
are my own :) I promise, if I had written this in French
about 5-6 years ago that grammar would be perfect.
Unfortunate my first language isn't that good.

Summary: Scully takes Doggett to the Hard Eight
Lounge in Philadelphia.

Author's Note: I'm not very confident with this
story, it's a departure from what I normally write.
All feedback is greatly appreciated. I've used no
beta so any and all mistakes are mine and I like
them, so ha!

Dedication: to Kristi for inspiring me to write a
story outside of "Fox & Rat" Virtual Series, and to
not write humor, and for reading this story before I
typed it up, despite the fact that you do not 100%
support DSR. But I know you like it.

By Cassie

It had been a long day of surveillance for John
Doggett and Dana Scully. Mulder had insisted that
they go check out a UFO organization based in
Philadelphia. He had received an anonymous tip that
the organization had captured an alien and were going
to use its telepathic powers to control the mind of
the President and other world leaders. Because Mulder
and Monica were already working on another case,
Mulder demanded that Scully and Doggett "check things
out". They did so, but only after Scully debated with
Mulder for a couple hours.

After the first few hours passed in their
surveillance, Doggett and Scully's suspicions were
proven correct. This UFO organization was nothing
more than a group of twenty-somethings getting
together to watch alien movies.

Scully had called Mulder on his cell phone and
informed him that his informant was only pulling his
leg, there was no alien. Mulder was disappointed but
thanked her for checking it out anyway and then hung

Since they were stuck in Philadelphia for the
remainder of the evening, Doggett and Scully decided
to go back to the hotel, wash up and go out for
dinner and a drink.

It was Scully's idea to go to the Hard Eight Lounge.
The place was just as she remembered it. Dark, loud,
still the number one place for people to go when they
wished to feel better about their own lives because
everyone else who was there seemed to have worse
problems than they do.

Scully and Doggett found a table in a dark corner of
the bar and ordered drinks.

Though he didn't say it, Doggett seemed puzzled as to
why Scully had chosen to take him to this place. He
figured she was a conservative person. Maybe he was
wrong. To keep himself comfortable, he rambled on
about the ridiculous case Mulder had asked them to do
that day.

As he rambled, Scully drifted away in her own
thoughts. Why had she wanted to come back to this
place? It's not like she had the greatest time here
several years ago. Was it because once again Mulder
played her superior and demanded that she do work for
him? Did she unknowingly feel the need to get wasted
again? God help her, there was no way in Hell that
she was going to come home with another tattooed
souvenir or a one-night stand.

She pauses her thoughts and glances at Doggett, he
seemed rather comfortable in his surroundings. Had he
spent nights at bars such as this, drowning his own
sorrows? She didn't know. In fact, there was a lot
unsaid between the two of them. They had become close
friends over the past few years. Yet there were still
topics that they want to discuss - need to discuss -
but they haven't found the right opportunity to do
so. One being her suspicion that John believed she
and Mulder were romantically together...interested in
each other. The opportunity to clarify that never
seemed to present itself.


Upon hearing John's voice, Scully snapped out of her
own mind.


"I asked you a question," he seemed a bit irritated.

"I'm sorry, I uh... was thinking about something else.
What was the question?"

"I asked whether or not you were going to enlighten
me as to why we came to a place like this." He smiled
at her, reassuring her that he isn't irritated with
her lack of attention. He continued when she didn't
answer him right away. "Or should I let my
imagination come up with a wild theory? You know
agent Mulder isn't the only one capable of such a

There he goes again, mentioning Mulder, ok time to
get off that topic. She laughs before speaking.

"Wild theory? Now you've got me interested in the
ideas of your imagination." She gives him a smile.
"Actually I was here several years ago, some guy told
me it was a great place to go to make yourself feel
better, ya know everyone here looks like they have
worse problems than you."

"You got a problem?"

Scully takes a sip from her drink.

"Everyone's got problems, John."

"You said you've been here before, with agent Mulder
I presume?"

"No. Mulder wasn't with me. Like today, he asked me
to do surveillance, I wound up in the tattoo parlor
across the street, met a guy and he had mentioned
this place, I asked him to take me here."

"You wound up in a tattoo parlor? I didn't notice
that you had a tattoo." He sounds amused.

"Let's just say it's well-hidden." She watches
Doggett react to her vague detail on the location of
her tattoo. The look on his face made her wonder
where his mind was placing the tattoo on her body.
She smiles at that thought.

Doggett began to ask a question, "What kind of -"

"An ouroborous. Snake eating it's own tail. It
represents conflict in life, that one must die in
order to be reborn, a symbol of a new beginning."

"Must have been at a changing point in your life.
Well, either that or you were really hammered."

"No, not hammered, it was more rebellious. I have the
tendency to do that when I feel misunderstood or
degraded by authority figures."

"Any chance you'll be getting another tattoo
tonight?" He asked playfully.


For a few seconds, they are quiet. Doggett seems to
be humored by something, Scully doesn't even want to
imagine what, but she just has to ask.

"What is it, John?"



"Yeah, you talkin' all mysterious about your tattoo's
location - "

"I was not."

"Well, you told me what it was but not where you had
it done. I'd say you're purposely not tellin' me, for
your own humor." He smirked at her, "Besides, I think
you're forgetting that I've read all those x-file
cases, I know where it is." He winks at her and takes
a long drink from his glass.

Slightly embarrassed, Scully lowers her head, "So,
you know everything that happened between Ed and I?
The one-night stand - "

"- Geez Dana!" He lets out an uncomfortable cough,
"One-night stand?! Was the guy worth it?!"

Scully gives him a disapproving look, she doesn't

Again, silence. A minute passes and Doggett rubs the
back of his neck, better change the subject.

"So, somethin' goin' on in your life now that made
you wanna come back here tonight?" He speaks
seriously, then changes his tone to flirtation for
the rest of his question, "Or are you expectin' to
get a one-night stand outta me?"

The straight-forwardness to his question makes Scully

"No... and um... even if that were my plan, I'd know
better because you aren't that kind of guy."

He teases her, "You sure of that?"

Scully's mouth drops open in shock. What is he doing
to her mind? How does she respond to that?

Doggett senses her uneasiness.

"I'm just kiddin', Dana." He's sincere. He reaches
over and places his hands on hers. She looks up at
him, wide-eyed. "You're right, I'm not that kind of

Doggett lets go of her hands. What comes out of her
mouth next is unexpected, even to her.

"What kind of guy are you, John?" He looks at her
quizzically, she elaborates, "I've known you for a
few years now and not once have you been out with a

"I'm here with you, aren't I?"

"Besides me."

"Besides you? I don't like to waste my time with
women I'm not interested in."

"What are you saying, that you're interested in me?"
She laughs, not taking him seriously, or is she
laughing because she knows that is the truth, and
finally it's coming out? She stops when she notices
Doggett was being serious. For some idiotic reason,
she feels the need to apologize to him. "Sorry, I
didn't mean to imply that you're interested in me...
like that."

"No. You're exactly what I'm interested in, Dana."
He's blunt.

Since when has John Doggett been so straight-to-the-
point with her? She leans back in her chair, to
better look at him, trying to see if he is pulling
her leg.

"Why me?" she asks suspiciously.

"Why not?"

Suddenly, it seems as if everyone has stopped what
they were doing, and has decided to watch them and
listen in on their conversation. Uncomfortable,
Scully turns her head to look behind her, no one is
watching, they could care less.

When Scully hadn't answered him after a few seconds,
Doggett decides that he has said something wrong,
that he shouldn't have told her that he's interested
in her.

"Look, I respect you. If you don't share the feelings
that I have for you, that's all right, I understand."

Angrily, he stands up and heads to the bar to pay for
their drinks. Scully remains at their table,
speechless. She didn't mean to upset him, she just
wasn't sure how to express her feelings to him. She
had her suspicions that he cared for her more than
just a working relationship. She assumed he didn't
act upon his feelings because of either her inability
to show interest in him or her unclear relationship
with Mulder. Well, the last part is unclear to
Doggett, not her.

She stands up, grabbing her coat and heads to the
exit, where Doggett is waiting. However before she
can get to him, he steps outside. Obviously, still
bitter about her reaction to him saying he is
interested in her.

Wonderful, they have the rest of the night, morning
breakfast and an airplane ride back to D.C. to get
through and he's acting like this. She should tell
him how she feels about him and clarify to him her
relationship with Mulder. She exits, unsure how to go
about doing this.

Doggett is only a few feet ahead of her, heading back
to their rental car, which is parked a couple blocks
away. Scully quickens her pace in order to catch up
to him.


He stops and turns to face her. Once she is face to
face with him, she decides to blurt out what is on
her mind.

"There's nothing between Mulder and I."

There, she said it, he knows.

Doggett doesn't respond to her statement. Not only is
there a look of relief written on his face, but also
one that indicates he is still ticked about earlier,
yet a passion for her in his eyes. Before she knows
what is happening, Doggett has her back pressed up
against the brick wall of a building, his lips
against hers.

This is raw passion, caused by years of pent up
tension between the two of them. Scully runs her
hands roughly up the back of his neck and through his
hair. She holds his head, wanting him to continue,
not wanting this moment to end. He pulls back,
leaving her breathless.

He steps back, keeping his eye on her. He knows that
he has left her wanting more, but he refuses to act
upon it tonight. Yeah, she may not be involved with
Mulder, but he can't know for sure if she feels the
same way that he does about her, or if she's just
looking for another one-night stand. Especially
considering she took him to a place where she last
hooked up with a one-nighter.

Scully lets out a small cough and steps away from the
wall. She straightens her hair and clothing, after
realizing that his hands had devoured her within
seconds of contact. She looks to him, he looks away.
They head back to the car.

They drive back to their hotel in complete silence.

That night, Scully lies awake, unable to shake the
feelings that John Doggett aroused in her. The feel
of his body pressed against her own, the taste of his
mouth, the roughness of his touch... all too much for
her to take at once. It had been years since a man
made her feel this way. She hated herself for only
telling him the Mulder part of what she wanted to
say, that she didn't tell him that she cared for him
the way he cares for her. Now it was probably too
late. He had been silent for a reason. Like he had
asked, he probably thought she was trying to get a
one-night stand out of him. That wasn't true.

Restless, she turns to glance at the clock, 3:17 a.m.
Great, with her mind and body as worked up as it is,
she'll never get any sleep.

There is a gentle knock on the door that joins her
room with Doggett's. The door creeks open and Doggett
pokes his head in.

"Dana...?" He's quiet. "You awake?"

Scully moans a response. She rolls over to face him
and sits up.

Doggett enters the room and sits on the foot of her

"I couldn't sleep," he began, "I'm sorry for what
happened earlier. I disrespected you, I never meant
to do that. It won't happen again."

Scully nods her head, it's nice to have a man state
that he respects her.

"Apology accepted."

Doggett nods his head, relieved that he did not upset
her. He stands up and heads to the door.

Dammit, she wants to tell him. She has to keep him
here longer. Her mind races to find a way to discuss
her feelings for him.

"John?" she hesitates, "Why did you-?"

"It felt like the right thing to do."

He disappears into his room. Frustrated, Scully gets
out of bed and follows him.

"John? Why did you say that you won't let that happen

"Why? Do you want it to happen again?"

Scully bites her lower lip. Of course she wants it to
happen again.

"Well... it wouldn't be a bad thing... I just uh... need
to... well, I want to tell you that - "

"Dana, you're beating around the bush about
something. What is it?"

Ok, he wants her to come right out and say it. She
can do that.

"I want you, John."

There, she said it... though it could have been worded

"I'm standin' here." He crosses his arms across his

Scully steps towards him, "I told you that there is
nothing between Mulder and I because I thought that
maybe that was the reason why you hadn't acted upon
the feelings you have for me. I wanted to clarify
that so you could... then you did... and now you seem
just a little... off."

He sighs and uncrosses his arms. "Ok, let's pretend
you just told me about you and Mulder. There's
nothin' between you two. I'm lookin' at you, you're
lookin' at me... now what?"

They look into each other's eyes for some time, both
unsure about what to do next. Scully decides that she
has to make the first move, to show him that she
cares for him. She goes up to him, places her hand on
his shoulder and kisses him on the cheek, lingering
for a few seconds. He looks down at her, a new
softness in his eyes, he understands.

"Dana..." he speaks softly to her.

"Shhh..." she places her fingertip on his mouth,
quieting him.

She wraps her arms around his waist, engraving this
moment into her memory... the beat of his heart, the
sound of his breath, the feel of his arms pulling her
closer to him. She shuts her eyes, enjoying the
comfort that being this close to him brings her. She
lets out a sigh, then relaxes into him. Melts into

Doggett's arms loosen and he tilts her face up
towards his and kisses her softly on the lips. The
sensations his touch gives, cause her to tremble
lightly. She didn't know that any man could make her
feel this way, loved.

He kisses her once more on the forehead before
caressing her face and saying goodnight.

Scully returned to her own bed without him. She knew
this would be one of her last nights sleeping alone.



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