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Strughold Mining Co Fanfic Listing
95 Happy Anniversary, Teena 2011-06-28 BehindNorthernLights
96 A Sweet Couple 2011-06-28 BehindNorthernLights
120 A Brief Moment - 155 Word Vignette 2011-07-04 BehindNorthernLights
143 Daydreams and Cookies 2012-06-18 BehindNorthernLights
127 No Vacation: Report Card Challenge Response 2011-07-10 ColquittAuthor
76 100% 2011-06-24 Dana Doggett
77 Adrift 2011-06-24 Dana Doggett
78 Always 2011-06-24 Dana Doggett
79 L'Amour Existe Encore 2011-06-24 Dana Doggett
80 Bad Mix 2011-06-24 Dana Doggett
81 The Bastard 2011-06-24 Dana Doggett
82 Baths, Attraction and Let's Go Home 2011-06-24 Dana Doggett
83 Bliss 2011-06-24 Dana Doggett
89 Clarification 2011-06-24 Dana Doggett
99 Re-Creation For A Better Soldier 2011-07-02 Little Albatross
100 He Was Forbidden, And That Made Him Exciting 2011-07-02 Little Albatross
135 Musings of a New Agent 2011-09-18 Raul Bloodworth
4 Hiding the Past 2011-04-15 ServeToResist
12 Peace Offering 2011-04-20 ServeToResist
15 Plattsmouth, Nebraska 2011-05-25 ServeToResist
18 Cookies 2011-05-01 ServeToResist
20 Dance of the Puppets 2011-05-18 ServeToResist
26 Unwelcomed 2011-05-02 ServeToResist
28 A Propensity for Bribes 2011-05-05 ServeToResist
32 Home Salon 2011-05-06 ServeToResist
