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Strughold Mining Co Fanfic Listing
76 100% 2011-06-24 Dana Doggett

Description: Category: Rohrer POV, Rohrer/Reyes, drabble Word Count: 176 Summary: Monica makes Knowle feel human.

Relationships: Rohrer/Reyes

Spoilers: none

Keywords: Monica Reyes, Knowle Rohrer, Fluff, Drabble,

Rating: R

This archive cross-referenced with:


120 A Brief Moment - 155 Word Vignette 2011-07-04 BehindNorthernLights

Description: Jeffrey has a moment of acceptance and pride from the CSM.


Spoilers: None

Keywords: CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Jeffrey Spender, Pre-XF,

Rating: G

This archive cross-referenced with:


28 A Propensity for Bribes 2011-05-05 ServeToResist

Description: CSM finds a young man who has a propensity for taking bribes. Response to fanfic challenge 12.



Keywords: CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Brad Follmer, Pre-XF,

Rating: PG

This archive cross-referenced with:


17 A Quick Trip to the Store 2011-05-01 SyndicateGirl

Description: CSM and Jeffrey make a quick trip to the store. Response to fanfic challenge 10.

Relationships: CSM/Cassandra Spender,


Keywords: Cassandra Spender, Cassie, Cassie Spender, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Jeffrey Spender, Pre-XF, CSM/Cassandra Spender, young jeffrey spender, spender household, spender family,

Rating: PG

This archive cross-referenced with:


96 A Sweet Couple 2011-06-28 BehindNorthernLights

Description: Teena Mulder and CSM meet for coffee. Response to Fanfic Challenge 14: CSM at Starbucks.

Relationships: CSM/Teena Mulder,

Spoilers: Talitha Cumi

Keywords: Teena Mulder, Elizabeth Kuipers, Teena Kuipers, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, CSM/Teena Mulder,

Rating: PG13

This archive cross-referenced with:


103 Abraham and Issac 2011-07-02 Vickie Moseley

Description: Mulder's severe head injury shakes loose some memories about his father and his part in the conspiracy.



Keywords: Fox Mulder, William Mulder, Bill Mulder, Samantha Mulder, Sam, Sam Mulder, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Well Manicured Man, Syndicate, Pre-XF,

Rating: PG

This archive cross-referenced with:


106 Acceptable (155 Word Vignette / Challenge) 2011-07-04 SyndicateGirl

Description: CSM reviews Jeffrey Spenderâ



Keywords: CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Jeffrey Spender, Pre-XF, report card,

Rating: G

This archive cross-referenced with:


77 Adrift 2011-06-24 Dana Doggett

Description: Category: Doggett/Scully, humor, casefile Summary: Doggett and Scully investigate what could be a haunted yacht.

Relationships: DSR (Doggett/Scully),


Keywords: Dana Scully, John Doggett, Case File, Post-Series, DSR (Doggett/Scully), humor,

Rating: PG13

This archive cross-referenced with:


65 Afterwards 2011-06-11 ServeToResist

Description: Marita tells Krycek he can't smoke after sex - at least not in her apartment.

Relationships: MAKR (Marita/Krycek),


Keywords: Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, Fluff, Smut, MAKR (Marita/Krycek), smoking,

Rating: R

This archive cross-referenced with:


78 Always 2011-06-24 Dana Doggett

Description: Category: Follmer/Reyes, drabble, alternating Reyes POV and Follmer POV Timeline: "Providence" and "Provenance" Word Count: 566 Summary: Monica and Brad think about the hug they shared in the hospital chapel.

Relationships: FRR (Follmer/Reyes),


Keywords: Monica Reyes, Brad Follmer, Missing Scene, Fluff, Drabble, FRR (Follmer/Reyes),

Rating: PG

This archive cross-referenced with:


66 Another Carton 2011-06-11 ServeToResist

Description: CSM puts a stop to a gas station robbery.



Keywords: CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Fluff, robbery, gas station,

Rating: PG

This archive cross-referenced with:


59 Artistic Integrity 2011-06-09 SyndicateGirl

Description: Krycek takes a class in theatre. Response to Fanfic Challenge 17: Krycek takes a class for professional development. (Rated R for a bad word or two).

Relationships: MAKR (Marita/Krycek),


Keywords: Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, Syndicate, MAKR (Marita/Krycek), theatre class, costume Krycek,

Rating: R

This archive cross-referenced with:


80 Bad Mix 2011-06-24 Dana Doggett

Description: drabble Summary: Musings of John Doggett soon after the death of his son in 1993.



Keywords: John Doggett, Pre-XF, Drabble,

Rating: PG13

This archive cross-referenced with:


82 Baths, Attraction and Let's Go Home 2011-06-24 Dana Doggett

Description: "Medusa" Summary: Scully can't keep her partner off her mind.

Relationships: DSR (Doggett/Scully),


Keywords: Dana Scully, John Doggett, Fluff, DSR (Doggett/Scully),

Rating: PG

This archive cross-referenced with:


83 Bliss 2011-06-24 Dana Doggett

Description: drabble, Doggett/Scully Summary: Happiness is everything when you're in love.

Relationships: DSR (Doggett/Scully),


Keywords: Dana Scully, John Doggett, Fluff, Drabble, DSR (Doggett/Scully),

Rating: PG13

This archive cross-referenced with:


105 Bravery (155 Word Vignette) 2011-07-04 SyndicateGirl

Description: Jeffrey Spender takes a report card to his father. Response to 155 word vignette challenge - "Report Card Day."

Relationships: CSM/Cassandra Spender,


Keywords: Cassandra Spender, Cassie, Cassie Spender, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Jeffrey Spender, Pre-XF, CSM/Cassandra Spender, report card,

Rating: G

This archive cross-referenced with:


29 Chance Encounter 2011-05-03 SyndicateGirl

Description: CSM runs into an unexpected fellow juror while at jury duty. Response to fanfic challenge 12.

Relationships: CSM/Cassandra Spender,


Keywords: Cassandra Spender, Cassie, Cassie Spender, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Pre-XF, CSM/Cassandra Spender,

Rating: PG

This archive cross-referenced with:


133 Christmas Spirit 2011-09-07 SyndicateGirl

Description: CSM donates to a charitable cause during one of the happiest times of the year. A response to the Fanfic Challenge: Tithing.

Relationships: CSM/Cassandra Spender, CSM/Teena Mulder, Implied CSM/Cassandra and CSM/Teena

Spoilers: Maybe Musings?

Keywords: CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, CSM/Teena Mulder, CSM/Cassandra Spender, orphanage, CSM donation, CSM Christmas,

Rating: PG

This archive cross-referenced with:


89 Clarification 2011-06-24 Dana Doggett

Description: Doggett/Scully Summary: Scully takes Doggett to the Hard Eight Lounge in Philadelphia.

Relationships: DSR (Doggett/Scully),


Keywords: Dana Scully, John Doggett, Fluff, DSR (Doggett/Scully),

Rating: PG

This archive cross-referenced with:


102 Consequences 2011-07-02 Vickie Moseley

Description: Sequel to 'Priorities'. The consequences of our actions sometimes exact a very high price, as a father learns.


Spoilers: Two Fathers, One Son

Keywords: Fox Mulder, William Mulder, Bill Mulder, Teena Mulder, Elizabeth Kuipers, Teena Kuipers, Samantha Mulder, Sam, Sam Mulder, Pre-XF,

Rating: PG

This archive cross-referenced with:


18 Cookies 2011-05-01 ServeToResist

Description: Monica heads to the market to pick up a few groceries. Response to fanfic challenge 10.

Relationships: DRR (Doggett/Reyes),


Keywords: Monica Reyes, John Doggett, Post-Series, DRR (Doggett/Reyes),

Rating: PG

This archive cross-referenced with:


67 County Fair 2011-06-11 ServeToResist

Description: Krycek makes an information drop at the county fair

Relationships: MAKR (Marita/Krycek),


Keywords: Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, Fluff, MAKR (Marita/Krycek), alien plushie, fair, plushie alien, fudge,

Rating: G

This archive cross-referenced with:


45 CSM goes to the DMV 2011-04-23 SyndicateGirl

Description: CSM is exposed to the common man he works to defend against invasion.

Relationships: MAKR (Marita/Krycek),


Keywords: CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, Syndicate, Fluff, MAKR (Marita/Krycek), DMV,

Rating: PG

This archive cross-referenced with:


3 CSM's New Ink 2011-04-15 SyndicateGirl

Description: CSM gets a tattoo. Response to Fanfic Challenge 1: Tattoo.

Relationships: Implied Cassandra/CSM and Teena/CSM

Spoilers: None

Keywords: CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Syndicate, Tattoo, Challenge,

Rating: PG

This archive cross-referenced with:


20 Dance of the Puppets 2011-05-18 ServeToResist

Description: CSM goes to Starbucks during a road trip. Response to fanfic challenge 14.

Relationships: Implies Cassandra/CSM


Keywords: CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man,

Rating: PG

This archive cross-referenced with:

