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Strughold Mining Co Fanfic Listing
61 Yes or No 2011-06-11 ServeToResist

Description: Krycek meets the new woman operative in the Syndicate.

Relationships: MAKR (Marita/Krycek),


Keywords: Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, Syndicate, Post-Series, MAKR (Marita/Krycek), boardroom,

Rating: NC17

This archive cross-referenced with:


58 Winter Adventure 2011-04-30 ServeToResist

Description: Jeffrey Spender has a special adventure with his father.

Relationships: CSM/Cassandra Spender, CSM/Cassandra Spender


Keywords: Cassandra Spender, Cassie, Cassie Spender, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Jeffrey Spender, Pre-XF, Fluff, CSM/Cassandra Spender, polar bear, cabin,

Rating: G

This archive cross-referenced with:


60 What He Wanted, More Than Anything Else 2011-06-11 ServeToResist

Description: CSM's failed writing career leads to jealousy, and changes the course of Krycek's career at the Syndicate.


Spoilers: Sleepless, Duane Barry, Ascension

Keywords: CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Syndicate, Missing Scene, writing, published,

Rating: G

This archive cross-referenced with:


153 Warm Touches in the Cold Shadows, Chapter 9 (Marita/X) 2016-11-04 SyndicateGirl

Description: Marita, Mr. X, and all that could have been. "Even cloaked in death, Xavier brought her warmth and light, feelings that were a rarity in this awful business. She craved them, and she craved him." ***Includes Alternate End

Relationships: CSM/Teena Mulder, Marita/X Marita/Mr.X


Keywords: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, X, Deep Throat, Ronald, Syndicate, Missing Scene, CSM/Teena Mulder, Two endings, alternate ending,

Rating: R

This archive cross-referenced with:


152 Warm Touches in the Cold Shadows, Chapter 8 (Marita/X) 2016-11-04 SyndicateGirl

Description: Marita, Mr. X, and all that could have been. "Even cloaked in death, Xavier brought her warmth and light, feelings that were a rarity in this awful business. She craved them, and she craved him." ***Includes Alternate End

Relationships: CSM/Teena Mulder, Marita/X Marita/Mr.X


Keywords: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, X, Deep Throat, Ronald, Syndicate, Missing Scene, CSM/Teena Mulder, Two endings, alternate ending,

Rating: R

This archive cross-referenced with:


151 Warm Touches in the Cold Shadows, Chapter 7 (Marita/X) 2016-11-04 SyndicateGirl

Description: Marita, Mr. X, and all that could have been. "Even cloaked in death, Xavier brought her warmth and light, feelings that were a rarity in this awful business. She craved them, and she craved him." ***Includes Alternate End

Relationships: CSM/Teena Mulder, Marita/X Marita/Mr.X


Keywords: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, X, Deep Throat, Ronald, Syndicate, Missing Scene, CSM/Teena Mulder, Two endings, alternate ending,

Rating: R

This archive cross-referenced with:


150 Warm Touches in the Cold Shadows, Chapter 6 (Marita/X) 2016-11-04 SyndicateGirl

Description: Marita, Mr. X, and all that could have been. "Even cloaked in death, Xavier brought her warmth and light, feelings that were a rarity in this awful business. She craved them, and she craved him." ***Includes Alternate End

Relationships: CSM/Teena Mulder, Marita/X Marita/Mr.X


Keywords: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, X, Deep Throat, Ronald, Syndicate, Missing Scene, CSM/Teena Mulder, Two endings, alternate ending,

Rating: R

This archive cross-referenced with:


149 Warm Touches in the Cold Shadows, Chapter 5 (Marita/X) 2016-11-04 SyndicateGirl

Description: Marita, Mr. X, and all that could have been. "Even cloaked in death, Xavier brought her warmth and light, feelings that were a rarity in this awful business. She craved them, and she craved him." ***Includes Alternate End

Relationships: CSM/Teena Mulder, Marita/X Marita/Mr.X


Keywords: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, X, Deep Throat, Ronald, Syndicate, Missing Scene, Smut, CSM/Teena Mulder, Two endings, alternate ending,

Rating: NC17

This archive cross-referenced with:


148 Warm Touches in the Cold Shadows, Chapter 4 (Marita/X) 2016-11-04 SyndicateGirl

Description: Marita, Mr. X, and all that could have been. "Even cloaked in death, Xavier brought her warmth and light, feelings that were a rarity in this awful business. She craved them, and she craved him." ***Includes Alternate Ending!***

Relationships: CSM/Teena Mulder, Marita/X Marita/Mr.X


Keywords: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, X, Deep Throat, Ronald, Syndicate, Missing Scene, CSM/Teena Mulder, Two endings, alternate ending,

Rating: R

This archive cross-referenced with:


147 Warm Touches in the Cold Shadows, Chapter 3 (Marita/X) 2016-11-04 SyndicateGirl

Description: Marita, Mr. X, and all that could have been. "Even cloaked in death, Xavier brought her warmth and light, feelings that were a rarity in this awful business. She craved them, and she craved him." ***Includes Alternate End

Relationships: CSM/Teena Mulder, Marita/X Marita/Mr.X


Keywords: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, X, Deep Throat, Ronald, Syndicate, Missing Scene, CSM/Teena Mulder, Two endings, alternate ending,

Rating: R

This archive cross-referenced with:


146 Warm Touches in the Cold Shadows, Chapter 2 (Marita/X) 2016-11-04 SyndicateGirl

Description: Marita, Mr. X, and all that could have been. "Even cloaked in death, Xavier brought her warmth and light, feelings that were a rarity in this awful business. She craved them, and she craved him." ***Includes Alternate Ending!***

Relationships: CSM/Cassandra Spender, Marita/X Marita/Mr.X


Keywords: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, X, Deep Throat, Ronald, Syndicate, Missing Scene, CSM/Cassandra Spender, Two endings, alternate ending,

Rating: R

This archive cross-referenced with:


157 Warm Touches in the Cold Shadows, Chapter 13 (Marita/X)1 2016-11-04 SyndicateGirl

Description: Marita, Mr. X, and all that could have been. "Even cloaked in death, Xavier brought her warmth and light, feelings that were a rarity in this awful business. She craved them, and she craved him." ***Includes Alternate End

Relationships: CSM/Teena Mulder, Marita/X Marita/Mr.X


Keywords: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, X, Deep Throat, Ronald, Syndicate, Missing Scene, CSM/Teena Mulder, Two endings, alternate ending,

Rating: R

This archive cross-referenced with:


155 Warm Touches in the Cold Shadows, Chapter 11 (Marita/X) 2016-11-04 SyndicateGirl

Description: Marita, Mr. X, and all that could have been. "Even cloaked in death, Xavier brought her warmth and light, feelings that were a rarity in this awful business. She craved them, and she craved him." ***Includes Alternate End

Relationships: CSM/Teena Mulder, Marita/X Marita/Mr.X


Keywords: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, X, Deep Throat, Ronald, Syndicate, Missing Scene, CSM/Teena Mulder, Two endings, alternate ending,

Rating: R

This archive cross-referenced with:


154 Warm Touches in the Cold Shadows, Chapter 10 (Marita/X) 2016-11-04 SyndicateGirl

Description: Marita, Mr. X, and all that could have been. "Even cloaked in death, Xavier brought her warmth and light, feelings that were a rarity in this awful business. She craved them, and she craved him." ***Includes Alternate End

Relationships: CSM/Teena Mulder, Marita/X Marita/Mr.X


Keywords: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, X, Deep Throat, Ronald, Syndicate, Missing Scene, CSM/Teena Mulder, Two endings, alternate ending,

Rating: R

This archive cross-referenced with:


145 Warm Touches in the Cold Shadows, Chapter 1 (Marita/X) 2016-11-01 SyndicateGirl

Description: Marita, Mr. X, and all that could have been. "Even cloaked in death, Xavier brought her warmth and light, feelings that were a rarity in this awful business. She craved them, and she craved him." ***Includes Alternate End

Relationships: CSM/Teena Mulder, Marita/X Marita/Mr.X


Keywords: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, X, Deep Throat, Ronald, Syndicate, Missing Scene, CSM/Teena Mulder, Two endings, alternate ending,

Rating: R

This archive cross-referenced with:


156 Warm Touches in the Cold Shadows Chapter, 12 (Marita/X) 2016-11-04 SyndicateGirl

Description: Marita, Mr. X, and all that could have been. "Even cloaked in death, Xavier brought her warmth and light, feelings that were a rarity in this awful business. She craved them, and she craved him." ***Includes Alternate End

Relationships: CSM/Teena Mulder, Marita/X Marita/Mr.X


Keywords: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, X, Deep Throat, Ronald, Syndicate, Missing Scene, CSM/Teena Mulder, Two endings, alternate ending,

Rating: R

This archive cross-referenced with:


26 Unwelcomed 2011-05-02 ServeToResist

Description: Teena Mulder gets an unexpected letter on her porch. Response to fanfic challenge 11.

Relationships: Bill Mulder/Teena Mulder,


Keywords: Fox Mulder, William Mulder, Bill Mulder, Teena Mulder, Elizabeth Kuipers, Teena Kuipers, Pre-XF, Bill Mulder/Teena Mulder, mulder family,

Rating: PG

This archive cross-referenced with:


55 Unwanted Neighbors 2011-04-29 ServeToResist

Description: CSM and Teena check into a nice hotel room, only to find out someone they know is staying in the next room.

Relationships: CSM/Teena Mulder, Mulder/Phoebe Green


Keywords: Fox Mulder, Teena Mulder, Elizabeth Kuipers, Teena Kuipers, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Phoebe Green, Pre-XF, Fluff, CSM/Teena Mulder, hotel, pool,

Rating: R

This archive cross-referenced with:


128 Toast 2011-07-10 ServeToResist

Description: Marita and Alex drink a toast

Relationships: MAKR (Marita/Krycek),


Keywords: Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, Post-Colonization, Fluff, MAKR (Marita/Krycek),

Rating: PG

This archive cross-referenced with:


141 The Promise 2012-06-12 SyndicateGirl

Description: A chance meeting of Teena Mulder and Maggie Scully, and of young Scully and Mulder. Teena Mulder helps Maggie be a better parent.

Relationships: Bill Mulder/Teena Mulder, CSM/Teena Mulder,


Keywords: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, William Mulder, Bill Mulder, Teena Mulder, Elizabeth Kuipers, Teena Kuipers, Samantha Mulder, Sam, Sam Mulder, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, William Scully, Bill Scully Sr., Margaret Scully, Maggie, Maggie Scully, William Scully, Bill Scully Jr., Pre-XF, Kidfic, CSM/Teena Mulder, Bill Mulder/Teena Mulder,

Rating: G

This archive cross-referenced with:


137 The End of a Life 2011-10-17 ServeToResist

Description: Bill Mulder, CSM, and Alex Krycek await the passage of time together.


Spoilers: Anasazi

Keywords: William Mulder, Bill Mulder, CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Missing Scene,

Rating: PG13

This archive cross-referenced with:


138 The End No 2: Job 2012-02-05 ServeToResist

Description: Krycek gets a text message that changes everything

Relationships: MAKR (Marita/Krycek),

Spoilers: None

Keywords: Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, Alternate Universe, MAKR (Marita/Krycek), zombie, apocalypse,

Rating: PG13

This archive cross-referenced with:


134 The End No 1: Flu 2011-09-08 ServeToResist

Description: CSM wakes up from a flu to find that the world has changed.

Relationships: CSM/Cassandra Spender,


Keywords: CSM Spender, CSM, Cancer Man, CGB Spender, Cigarette Smoking Man, Alternate Universe, CSM/Cassandra Spender, zombie, apocalypse,

Rating: PG13

This archive cross-referenced with:


30 The Butcher 2011-05-06 SyndicateGirl

Description: Marita gives Alex Krycek a new hairdo. Response to the X-Files Fanfic One Line Challenge 1.

Relationships: MAKR (Marita/Krycek),


Keywords: Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Marita Covarrubias, MAKR (Marita/Krycek), haircut,

Rating: PG

This archive cross-referenced with:


81 The Bastard 2011-06-24 Dana Doggett

Description: Summary: Even in bed, Krycek can be quite the bastard.

Relationships: SKR (Scully/Krycek),


Keywords: Dana Scully, Alex Krycek, Rat, Krychek, Comrade Arntzen, John Arntzen, Arntzen, Fluff, SKR (Scully/Krycek),

Rating: R

This archive cross-referenced with:

